Ketham’s Atelier Architects ‘Low cost furniture & product design workshop’ in collaboration with Thinking Hand NGO

Workshop Topic: Low cost furniture and product design made out of waste and eco friendly materials

Workshop Type: Open to any design students

Workshop Venue: Hyderabad, Telangana, India

Introduction and objective:
After series of research and experiments Ketham’s Atelier Architects founder Ketham Santosh Kumar started sharing knowledge and ideas on building low cost furniture for low income groups and neglected communities. The furniture which can take load up to 200kg is made out of waste material. This initiative has been a platform for empowering women in neglected communities by providing them an opportunity to express themselves and hands on experience in producing low cost furniture.

The third edition of Thinking Hand workshop aims to train students in building low cost furniture and product design out of waste materials. The furniture/product produced at workshop will be shared with low income community, thereby creating a dialogue between the designer and the user. The workshop would be trained practically by the experts from Thinking Hand and handmade 1:1 scale mock-up models supported with lectures and reviews from various design experts. Selection criteria: Students must possess, Basic design sense, drawing/sketching skills, craft/model making skills, communication and writing skills

Registration: Students need to send their CV and Portfolio, showing any creative art/ craft and sketching work along with a statement of intent (of not more than 100 words) on their objective for joining the workshop.

Workshop: 23rd , 24th , 25th Nov 2018

Santosh Kumar Ketham in conversation with Jury Prof. Deepak John IIT Hyderabad.

© Copyrights Ketham’s Atelier Architects & Thinking Hand NGO India.