Thinking Hand Workshop 01
Workshop – 01 : 12th to 15th January 2017

NITHM Campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad.

Design brief: Food, Water and Shelter are three fundamental elements of human survival. Shelter helps to protect against nature adversaries. This crucial element of survival has evolved all through human existence. From primitive Huts and Stonehenge to Modern-day revolving towers and spaceship quarters, it’s a long journey of shelter evolution. Myriads of typologies have been developed; different kinds of villages, towns and cities have been established and abandoned. Still the evolution is under progress. In today’s world, Architects are coming up with innovative solutions using technology while space & resource have become constraints. At this juncture, it is imperative to act for the need. As the objective of workshop is to take up an issue, synthesize and solve it while bringing a positive change through design, the theme for this workshop is to design a shelter with innovative ideas / techniques. The theme offers a unique design platform for participants to come with diverse ideas from within, share it with fellow participants of group and come with a workable solution. Design a portable shelter, which can be erected quickly, pruned easily and transferable in cities & villages as well. It may act as Pavilion to host different activities year around. It may be envisioned as a meeting point for different cultural and leisure circuits. Idea is to use the same space for a broad range of daytime and nocturnal activities in a sustainable way that merges in its surroundings.

Design Demonstration: There are no restrictions on size of the structure, though modular design shall be appreciated. Choice of materials is not a constraint, but they must to be justified. Participants can choose any medium for presentations like, sketching, painting, drafting, software produced drawings, three dimensional models, physical models, photographs etc. Efforts from all the participants in-group are desired while individual performance and willingness to learn shall be observed all through the workshop period.

© Copyrights Ketham’s Atelier Architects & Thinking Hand NGO India.